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Franchisors: Still stuck juggling multiple brokers and drowning in paperwork?

As a franchisor, your primary focus should be on expanding your business, supporting your franchisees, and ensuring the success of your brand. However, the reality is that many franchisors find themselves bogged down by the administrative burdens of managing multiple insurance brokers. This inefficiency not only drains valuable time and resources but also hinders your ability to concentrate on what truly matters—growing your franchise.

Still acting as the insurance facilitator? The challenge of dealing with multiple brokers can quickly escalate into a time-consuming task that distracts from your core business activities. In this blog, we'll explore how these inefficiencies impact your franchise's growth and why consolidating insurance management can lead to more streamlined operations, allowing you to focus on supporting your franchisees and expanding your brand.

The Hidden Costs of Managing Multiple Brokers

Time Management:

Coordinating with multiple brokers requires ongoing communication, negotiation, and oversight. This process often involves frequent follow-ups, managing different renewal dates, and ensuring that all franchisees are adequately covered. While these tasks are crucial, they also consume time that could be better spent on strategic planning, marketing initiatives, or franchisee support.

Administrative Burden:

The administrative load of managing several insurance brokers can quickly become overwhelming. Even if it is treated as a full-time job, even the best leaders struggle to make meaningful progress. Policies are expiring every month year-round, and work begins all over again. Whoever is acting in the compliance capacity will soon realize that all the key stakeholders need significant education to complete even the most simple requirements. These stakeholders include; franchisors, franchisees, brokers, underwriters, carriers, and policy servicing teams. Getting the franchisee and the broker to both fully understand the meaning of the requirements can be exhausting and the results can be disheartening. Many struggle to even possess a basic understanding of each coverage, let alone 100+ tiny policy details that must be right. Each broker can be distracted by their own current book of business, not to mention the nuances of franchising can be understandably difficult. Each franchisee has a different level of insurance knowledge, and is most likely not a franchise insurance expert. Each carrier's policy requirements are continually changing to adjust to markets are regions, with appetites that are being re-evaluated annually.

Real-Life Scenario:

Consider the case of a franchisor who was responsible for coordinating insurance policies across a network of over 100 franchise locations. The sheer volume of communication required to manage multiple brokers led to delays in policy renewals and inconsistencies in coverage. As a result, several franchisees faced lapses in their insurance, exposing them—and the franchisor—to significant risk. This situation not only strained the franchisor's relationship with the franchisees but also diverted attention from critical business growth initiatives.

Impact on Franchisee Relationships

Inconsistent Service Levels:

When working with multiple brokers, the level of service provided to each franchisee can vary significantly. Policies must be serviced all year long. Some brokers may offer exceptional support, while others may fall short of expectations. This inconsistency can lead to uneven experiences across your franchise network, with some franchisees receiving prompt assistance and others left frustrated by delays and lack of communication. Common sense would suggest all franchisees move to the same broker who is out performing. The reality is that once the broker is swamped with business from the franchisee, the servicing performance will likely take a predictable nosedive.

Franchisee Frustration:

Franchisees rely on their franchisor to provide a stable and supportive business environment. When they encounter difficulties with insurance—whether due to confusing processes, unclear requirements, or delays in obtaining necessary documents—it can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. This strain on the relationship between franchisor and franchisee can erode trust and undermine the overall success of the franchise.

Real-Life Scenario:

Imagine a franchisee who encountered significant delays in getting a critical insurance claim processed due to the broker's slow response times. The franchisee was left feeling unsupported, which led to doubts about the franchisor's ability to manage important relationships with key insurance vendors. Over time, this erosion of trust affected not only the franchisee's satisfaction but also their overall performance, as they became more focused on resolving insurance issues than on running their business effectively.

The Strategic Advantage of Streamlining Insurance Management

Efficiency Gains:

By consolidating your insurance management under a single, reliable broker, you can significantly reduce the time and resources spent on managing multiple vendors. A centralized approach allows for more streamlined communication, consistent service levels, and easier management of policy renewals and updates. This efficiency frees up your time to focus on growing your franchise, developing new locations, and providing the support your franchisees need to succeed.

Improved Compliance:

A single point of contact for insurance management ensures that all franchisees are covered under the same policies, with consistent terms and conditions. This includes streamlined data and reports. This not only simplifies the compliance process but also reduces the risk of discrepancies that can occur when working with multiple brokers who do not have open data. With a unified approach, you can have greater confidence that your entire franchise network is adequately protected.

Real-Life Scenario:

A successful home servicing franchisor made the decision to consolidate their insurance management with one provider. This move not only reduced the administrative burden on the franchisor but also improved the overall experience for franchisees. With a single, consistent point of contact, franchisees received faster responses, clearer guidance, and better support. As a result, the franchisor was able to shift their focus back to expanding the business, knowing that their franchisees were in good hands.

Understanding Insurance Management for Franchisors: 

Franchisors often face complex challenges in managing insurance across their networks. These challenges include dealing with multiple brokers and ensuring that service levels remain consistent throughout the franchise. By exploring comprehensive insurance programs, franchisors can gain insights into strategies that help streamline processes, maintain consistency, and ultimately support the growth and stability of their franchise network.

Considering Potential Approaches:

Franchisors may explore various strategies and frameworks to manage their insurance needs more effectively. Programs like Rikor's offer a glimpse into structured approaches that franchisors can consider as they navigate the complexities of insurance management.


Managing multiple brokers as a franchisor can be a time-consuming and inefficient process that distracts from your primary goal of growing your business and supporting your franchisees. Consolidating insurance management might help reduce administrative burdens, allowing for a more consistent approach to service across the franchise network. Exploring various insurance management strategies, including those offered by programs in the industry, can provide insights into achieving a more efficient process.

Final Thought:

The key to franchise success lies in the ability to focus on what matters most—growth, support, and brand development. By addressing inefficiencies in insurance management, franchisors can create a stronger foundation for their franchise network, leading to long-term success.

Interested in exploring how the Rikor Insurance Program could benefit your franchise? Contact a Rikor Insurance agent or Rikor Insurance Consultancy today to learn more.

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